Bākt Koffee

Bākt Koffee reached out to us to help with a website refresh and we really captured the spirit of their brand. We created a whole new look & feel for the client and the customer.

Web Design

Project includes: Graphic design
Fireball8 Design - Bākt Koffee - Web Design

The site had been pieced together and maintained by a multitude of friends & associates and needed some extra TLC to give it life again.

The goal here initially, was to dive in deep and clean up anything unnecessary to providing the best experience to customers. We also needed to incorporate everything the client required to run the website efficiently. After doing our best to clean house and sort out a swap meet of plugins and scripts in the backend, we soon realized we’d need to start all over again from the beginning. Lucky for us the client agreed and that’s where all the hard work really began!
Fireball8 Design - Bākt Koffee - Web Design
Fireball8 Design - Web Design
Original Homepage design

The previous version of the site had included a more generic look with stock photography of coffee related scenes and inspired vistas. It was clear to everyone that in order to reestablish and then grow the brand, we would need to head in a more product focused direction. As the company expanded it’s product line to include CBD infused Body care items it was to see there would be no shortage of things to highlight and put on display.

Secondary colors from the brand palette chosen to identify coffee type and location were used in the individual products pages to help with identity.

Fireball8 Design - Bākt Koffee - Web Design

Bākt Koffee would eventually transition their products to Shopify where they would have an easier time with inventory. By any measure, they’re heading for a profitable future and we’re glad to have been of service along the way.


  • Client
    Bākt Koffee
  • Category
    Web design
  • Industry
    Cannabidiol / Coffee / Retail